Sunday, August 12, 2012

My Friend - _ _ _,-My Friend Corky

I am sorry to Inform my readers that this post has been removed because an individual whom I dated is concerned that their right to privacy has somehow been compromised, although Ive never used more than a first name of someone, unless I have received permission from that individual to use their surname.

I've spent the past several months being threatened, being called a nice assortment of colorful names, etc.  I had to change my phone number to stop being harassed and threatened via text.

So _ _ _, you have gotten what you wanted.  Leave me alone.  Leave my family alone.

Friday, March 20, 2009

My Magical Life

This is why my life is a dream to me.

On Saturday 14 March, the family returned to Washingon from vacation. I came back to work on Sunday, and since then, lifes felt more "dreamlike."

My first and only customer on Sunday had a birthdate of 11-11. As is common right now, this woman is having a very difficult time making a decision right now. As I was trying to "close" her on the idea of buying a car, most of her objections were fear based.I simply gave her silent blessings of abundance and inner peace, and she went on her way.
I took Monday and Tuesday off and enjoyed time with my family.

Wednesday was a very financially abundant day. I sold a car to an elderly woman, who had lost her husband six months prior. The transaction was easy. She was downsizing to one car. I made a good amount of profit, and she was given red carpet service. I even drove out to her house to pick up the second car she was trading. Her birthday was 11-3, and when I picked the car up from being detailed, it was 7:11 PM.

Yesterday was interesting. I received a phone call from a customer who was inquiring about of specific car. He had an East Indian name, and I was looking forward to meeting him. I pulled the car up off the front line, and when I hopped in, the time read 10:31 (my birthday) and the clock was off by a little bit as is often the case with "lot cars." An hour an a half later, just as I approached my first customer of the day, he called and cancelled our apointment. At first, I felt myself getting upset. However, after spending an hour with my new customer, I was reminded how everything is purposeful.

He was in his late fourties. Very "boistrous" some might have even labeled him as "obnoxious." I just believe this was a defense mechanism, and his way of dealing with the "percieved" conflict or confrontation that he was about to have with a "car salesman."

I got him to lighten up a bit after about a half hour. I kept trying to get him to drive the SUV. I called Shanna and bet her a $100.00 this customer would have an 11 combination birthday. She wouldn't bet me.

He pulled out his license so I could make him a "demo" permit for the test drive. His birthday was 11-12. I went out and picked an SUV of the same model he was looking at to drive. I opened the door and sat down. I knew before I turned on the the key I would see something cool. I turned on the key and the digital clock read 1:12. I opened up my cell phone, because I knew that wasn't the real time, and it read 11:44.

He didn't buy the SUV. However, at some point today, I think he and his wife will be back. I can't wait to see her birthday.

I got off work around 3:00. I couldn't go home because Beau had baseball practice until around 4:30. I called Supercuts to see if Kathy (been cutting my mop for ten years) was working. She wasn't. So as usual, in times that I have time and dont know what to do with myself, I drive aimlessly, being led by "spirit." Boy was it cool.

I pulled off the freeway by the Supercuts, just to see who was working. The light in front of me was red. The old beat of chevy blazer had a HUGE "peace" symbol in the back window and three bumper stickers. The first said, "Drop Food Not Bombs." The second read, "Bring Them Home Now," and the third said something like, "War Kills Hundreds of Innocent People Daily."
This message completely resonated with me because I abhor war now. There was nothing significant on the plate. I looked at my digital clock and it read 3:33.

I drove around some more. Got prizes for everyone at home, got coffee, and went and picked Beau up. We decided to go get more coffee.

As we were approaching the freeway on ramp, THE SAME BLAZER pulled in front of me, and onto the freeway. I pointed out the blazer to beau, and the time on the digital clock read 4:44. I actually pointed out both "synchronicities" to Beau. Sometimes when I babble on about this stuff to him, I think he thinks I'm crazy...LOL

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this blog....Just remember, its all magical, and you play a very key role in creating it.

You are so much more than you think you are.


Saturday, March 14, 2009

What Does it All Mean???

I just returned from a week long vacation in San Diego, with several of my family members. As with all things that “happen” in my life, I knew this trip would be purposeful and eventful.

In the past, my writing has focused on what appears to be “good” synchronicity. Although many “good” things did happen on this trip, I will focus on a few things that happened that weren’t that fun to deal with, although very purposeful I’m sure.

On 3-12-08 many of my family members were sitting down to dinner in one of our condo’s when my partner Shanna ran in the room with a terreified look on her face and said, there is a fire in room 409, someone call 911.

Several of my family members, grabbed fire extinguishers, water, and whatever alse we could think of that could help put out a fire.

As we ran down the hallway, I saw thick white smoke billowing from a room. A young African-American teenager was standing in the hallway with a terrified look on her face. As my brother, my son, and myself entered the room it was almost impossible to see. Heavy white smoke filled the room, and two people were spraying extinguishers at the stove. Moments after we entered the room, the fire was put out.

Smoke continued to fill the room, and I began to choke, as were everyone in the room. I dropped to my knees, crawled through to room, looking for anyone left in the room. Once I knew the room was clear, I ran down the stairs to let the reception desk know the fire was under control.

It was all “very slow motion” as is often the case when individuals explain traumatic situations.

By this time three San Diego Fire Department trucks pulled up to the condominium complex.

Two firefighters entered the building, and I motioned them to follow me to the room, because in the confusion, they weren’t given the room number.

With the fire department personel running up the stairs behind me, I guided them upstairs to the room. The young lady was still in the hallway, very panic stricken. I stayed in the hallway, assuring her everything was OK.

Moments later, I entered the room, looked at the digital clock on the stove, and the time read 7:17. WOW.

I went back to my room, and we all finished eating dinner. The family sat and ate, going over what happened with each other, in an attempt to process what had just happened, as is often the case when people are involved in traumatic situations.

I had an intuition to go back to the room to check on the family. I walked back down the hallway, this time the smoke had cleared. The family was in the room, and the condo maintinance personell were cleaning up the mess that was left behind.

I knocked on the door, and the father, an African-American male that appeared to be distraught answered the door. I told him I had been one of the first people to respond to the fire, and I wanted to make sure his daughter was OK.

I entered the room, looked at the click on the stove once again, and the time was 8:18. WOW again!

I thought this was going to be the end of my traumatic experience on this trip. Boy was I wrong.

The next day (3-13-09) my family and I enjoyed the day at the San Diego Zoo. Sometime during the day my partner Shanna told me she had had a few visions earlier that day. One was of my daughter Tehya bleeding, and the other was of my partner and my son embraced in a loving hug.

I was very careful all day to make sure my daughter stayed away from any possibility of getting herself into any kind of trouble, particularly around the animal enclosures.

We had been told by my cousin to go to a hamburger joint in La Jolla called, "Jeff’s Burgers." According to my cousin, these are the best burgers in The State of California. As you will read, we never had a chance to eat one. Hopefully on our next trip to San Diego we will all get to see if the burgers are as good as one of the Lannan cousins says they are.

We spent the afternoon at La Jolla Beach. My daughter played in the ocean, my mom and dad watched. My partner and my brother went on a run on the beach, my son rented a surfboard to surf, and I hung out taking it all in.

As dinner time drew nearer, I began to get excited about trying one of these famous burgers.

As a family we entered the burger joint, and decided to wait until my uncle, aunt, and gramma drove from their condo to join us.

My son and I walked out of the burger joint to take in a few more sights before the rest of the family arrived for dinner. My son Beau and I were walking down the sidewalk, and I had an intuition to look at the time on my cell phone. I opened up my phone and the time read 6:16.

Not more than 10 seconds later I heard my daughter scream in a way I have never heard before. Beau and I raced for the door to Jeff's Burgers.

Once again, what happened over the next ten minutes felt like slow motion, and felt very, very dreamlike.

My son and I raced back into the restaurant. My mom had my daughter in her arms with a semi panicked look on her face. My dad looked terrified, and so did my brother. As my mom moved the hair out of my four year old daughters face, I saw blood streaming down her forehead. I grabbed her out of my moms arms, looked at her feeling completely helpless, as I saw her skull. I have to admit at this point I panicked a little too. I knew I had to be stoic, because I didn’t want her to see the fear I had in my eyes.

In my 42 years of life, working in some very traumatic environments in the military, in the juvenile prison, and in law enforcement, I have never seen a head laceration as bad as I saw on my daughter’s forehead.

According to witness’s, the employees had stacked several “bar mats” in front of some steps, in preparation to close at 7:00PM. My daughter was following my partner to the bathroom when she tripped on the mats, and landed face first on the step.

The cut went completely to the bone. In my estimation, the cut was about ¼ inch deep, and about 2 ½ inches long. My mom, a nurse with about 30 years of experience handed me a stack of napkins so I could apply pressure to my daughters head as she was screaming and shaking uncontrollably.

I applied pressure, and someone called 911. I felt completely helpless as I held her in my arms, trying to comfort her. For a few minutes, I felt as if I might lose my beautiful little girl.

Initially, we were going to wait for an ambulance to arrive, but as a family we decided to drive her to the nearest emergency room as quickly as possible

My family came together as a very effective, calm team. My dad drove, my brother pulled up hospitals on his “I-phone” and navigated, my son embraced Shanna in a loving embrace, assuring her that everything would be OK, my mom reassured me, and we raced to a hospital.

I was worried my daughter was going to go into shock, so I kept talking to her, rocking her, and asking her questions. She began to get lethargic, and I began to get really worried. I pulled the pressure dressing away from her head, my dad looked at her, and I could see the shock and fear in his eyes too.

We raced to the hospital. By the time we got there, she had stopped screaming, but appeared to be getting more lethargic.

We all ran into the emergency room, where she was triaged quickly. Her vital signs were good, and her head seemed intact. The triage nurse calmed Shanna and I, and Tehya too.

My mom continued to reassure us, as she continued to ask Tehya questions to make sure she was alert.

Initially, the ER staff were going to give her local anesthetic around the wound and then stitch it up. However, in the end, they opted to sedate here because she was aware of her surroundings, knew her name, knew where she was, etc.

A plastic surgeon was called in from another hospital, she was sedated, and he did an amazing job at putting my daughter’s forehead back together.

The entire process took about four hours.

When we were being discharged, I looked at the paperwork, and was amazed when I looked at the time she was officially admitted to the emergency room. The time in military time on the paperwork read 1911 hours, or 7:11 PM. Wow again!

My dad had stayed with us through the entire ordeal. He left a few minutes earlier to get the van he had rented for the vacation. When we all hopped in the van to go home, I looked at the time on the digital clock and it was 11:17. Wow again!

As I sit writing tonight, I am still struggling to find the purpose in the amount of trauma my family experienced in less than a 24 hour period.

I wonder often why this is happening to me. I wonder what all the purpose and significance these events will have in our lives, and I am very aware that not all “synchronicity” is “good” synchronicity.

Shanna has begun to experience numerical phenomena in her life too. After it was all over, she reminded me again of the ”vision” she had experienced earlier that day at the San Diego Zoo.

All this "stuff" really boggles my mind at times, and much of the time I struggle to find the meaning of it all, and why it is happening to me.

In the end, I am reminded of the fragility of life, and the fact our loved ones can be taken in an instant. Once again I am reminded to love and embrace all of my loved ones, and let them know as often as possible how much I love them.

Thanks for listening. Please, please, please....if you are in a conflict with a loved one or a friend, move past it and get on with loving them all unconditionally.

I wish you all peace and harmony, and purpose in your lives.



Friday, February 20, 2009

Divine Timing, Gut Feelings, Intuition, and 1111

Hello all who found your way to this Blog. If you are reading this, there is purpose in you doing so.

Since my awakening began I have been bombarded with "numbers." Through research I believe I have found its meaning.

Along the same line, I believe we are guided by a universal intelligence I choose to call God. Some people call it "gut feelings" or "intuition" or coincidence.

I am here to tell you there are absolutely no coincidences. Moment by moment, day in and day out, every interaction you have, everything that "stresses" you out, everything that brings you joy, does so with complete perfection.

To that end however, science is now showing us that our thoughts are much more powerful that we ever thought possible, and our "realities" truly are the product of our "thoughts."

It was when I began to live in "present" moment awareness that I began to see that God speaks to us through everything and everyone. It is only when we are "aware" enough that we begin to see this simple truth.

Last night I was led to the closest store from my home, about 5 miles away, at about 8:45 to get a cigar.

As I entered the main road, the car of the license plate in front of me read 999-@#$. When I arrived at the store there were two cars in the parking lot. One read 999-^&%, and the other read 818-@#$.

Inside the store, along with the korean store owner were two women. One appeared to be in here mid thirties, and the other in her mid eighties.

The topic of the conversation was the impending doom and financial crisis. The young woman spoke from a place of lack and fear, while the old woman smiled.

In the end, I had a chance to speak with the older woman for about ten minutes. When our eyes locked I realized why I had been led to the store. She was driving an old beat up Honda much like mine, while the younger woman drove a big SUV.

We spoke about "purpose" and faith, and the higher order and perfection of the universe even in what appears to be complete chaos.

We both agreed that "simpler" times are upon us, but that it is actually forcing families to depend upon one another, and that is not a bad thing by any means.

Her car license plate read 999-*(&.



Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Coincidence Vs. Synchronicity

Hello to all reading this blog.

Very early on in my spiritual awakening, I began to notice "things" that were occurring in my life that seemed to timely to be coincidental.

From pondering a life question, and getting my answer from the next song I heard on the radio, to getting the answer I was looking for in a conversation between a cashier and a customer at a grocery store.

What I understand as my truth and my reality now is that God (whatever your idea of God is) talks to us in a variety of ways, and methods.

If we listen, pay attention, and live from a place of love and intuition, we will always find the answers we are looking for.

Most of us live in a constant state of struggle and fear. This severs our connection with the infinate source of all things that I choose to call God.

The problem with living in a state of struggle, uncertainty, and fear, is that we tend to create the reality around us that we are trying to avoid at all cost, just by putting energy and thought into those "things" we fear most.

The reason for this is simple. Whatever we focus upon, whatever our thoughts are, and how we view ourselves in relationship to the world at large tends to become our reality.

If you want a different "reality" in your life there is really only one way to accomplish that goal.

Start living and thinking and "feeling" as if what you "want" in your current reality.

The truth is, you are a very powerful creator. Being "great," having a large amount of financial abundance, not something that is set aside for special people.

I am given tangible proof this works on a daily basis. Sometimes it doesn't work as quickly as I would like it too. To that end however, I do understand there is a much higher purpose in all things.

I may not get what I want on a day to day basis, but I do get exactly what I need.

There are no coincidences in life. If you pay attention, and grow in awareness, and live in "present moment awareness" this simple truth will become self evident to you.

The quickest way to manifest the life you want to live is by believing you already "have" it. The second part of this is having the faith to know what you desire is on the way. The third part of this process is called "surrender."

Thanks for listening, and thanks for letting me share.



Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Message From A Lightworker

When I was first compelled to sit down and write this piece, I wanted to call it WAKE THE @#$% UP. I thought that may alienate the reader, so I chose the above title.

On 7-1-07 I began a radical spiritual transformation. I still don’t know why or how it happened. I can speculate, and wonder, and in the end it doesn’t matter. Sometimes I look up to the heavens and ask “why” me, and the answer I always get is, “why not you?”

Initially I thought the world was going to end in 2012. I still believe we are in the midst of a “consciousness shift/awakening” that will culminate in 2012, however, it has grown into so much more than that now. I have written at least 100 pages of text, that outlines the unusual, spiritual, and unexplainable happenings that have occurred and continue to occur on a very regular basis since 7-1-07

Some of my readers will call me “crazy,” and I am ok with that. Some of what I am going to write today could get me labeled as “terrorist” by my Government, if current legislation passes, and I am ok with that too. I have accepted everything that may come to pass as a result of writing this.

You see, through my 18 months of research I have learned there are “people” of all ages, all colors, creeds, and denominations globally that are being awoken to the truth. These individuals are called “lightworkers.” They are here with one purpose in mind. They are here to teach us of our “oneness.” They are here to teach us we are made of the same substance of the air around us, the forest’s we walk through, the cars that we drive, and the stars millions of light-years away. They are here to teach us through the Universal Law of Attraction that our thoughts are powerful enough to manifest material goods into our lives, as well as foster change halfway across the globe.

You and are so much more than you think you are. You are a highly evolved spiritual being, having a very, very, brief human experience. You were sent here with a specific purpose, and the date of your birth and death were written before you got here.

You are light reflecting light! You have the ability to create whatever reality you chose to create. That’s how powerful you are. Many of us believe that we are forced to live in the reality that has been created for us. I suggest that this may be true, however with this new knowledge, it is possible to begin “re-creating” a better reality for those of us to come.

You don’t have to sit powerless over your circumstances, even if they feel insurmountable, because within you there is something called “pure-potential.” The way to tap into “pure potential” is through silence, meditation, stillness, and being in nature. When you experience it you will know.

Don’t take my word for any of this. Do a little research. Instead of sitting down in front of a TV to watch the latest installment of “Cops,” or watching the “news” to get your daily update and whats happening around the globe, sit down at your computer and google some of what I’m going to be writing about.

I stay away from the TV and the news. I like some of the funny stuff, and History and Discovery Channel. The media by design is there to “feed” you information in a very controlled manner. Educated people can be very dangerous.

If you would like to know how to create an amazing life for you and your loved ones, look up Quantum Physics or Quantum Mechanics. Google the Law of Attraction. Better yet, read and (or) watch “The Secret.” Read works by spiritual individual like Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, and Dan Millman. Look at quotes from Einstein, Lincoln, Ghandi, Martin Luther King, and John F. Kennedy.

There are so many enlightened/highly spiritually evolved individuals out there right now with so much to share.

The message is simple. We can be a planet of Peace, Harmony, and Abundance for All. The most effective way in this process is through peaceful action. Violence in any form, from a persons home, to a war torn battlefield only brings about more violence. Einstein and Ghandi understood this truth, as do so many enlightened individuals today

Humanity is at a crossroads right now. Do we destroy ourselves in the name of money, war, weapons, greed, corruption, etc.. or do we proceed to create a new humanity.

I was tought from a very early age that my religion was the only right religion. I guess I just accepted that for a long time. When I was in the military I pondered the taking of another human life, because he was “the bad guy.” Thank God I never had to do that, but at the time I just accepted the idea, thinking that If I killed for what was “right” and “just” the I was doing it in the name of God, and God was on our side.

I can’t support a God that would condone the killing of another human being for any reason. The bottom line for me is this. That “bad guy” based on his values and beliefs, by what he has been “tought” thinks you are the “bad guy.”

I don’t believe God ever intended any of what has happened to Humanity. I believe this problem is man made, in the name of money. Money is not the root of all evil. Evil individuals with a lot of money is the root of all evil.

The problem is we were taught there is not enough “stuff” to go around, and that if we don’t have the most powerful military on earth to protect our stuff, the bad guys are going to come take our stuff. This is the notion of “lack,” it isn’t real, and you would do well to dismiss it.

As a start, think about a world where all its people learned to share its resources for the good of all. There would be no need for militaries. Think about the surplus of money this would create.

The fact is there is more than enough to go around. There always has been and there always will be. It’s a Universal Law, and thus must be followed by the universe.

47% of the global economy is controlled by 247 people. There is a purpose for this. This fact alone has caused more injustice than I can even begin to explain

The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 placed the control of the economy of a few men. This was achieved by creating “fear” and “panic” in the stock market by bankers in 1907.

The problem is it was created in secrecy by bankers. Its content was kept secret from the public, and it was passed into law on December 23rd 1913 when many members were home for the Christmas Holiday.

The Federal Reserve is a complete fraud, and the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 is illegal. It created “credit” which has kept governments, people and nations in debt since its inception. This was not done by coincidence or random circumstance. It was masterminded by a few clever bankers, and it’s design was to keep humanity indebted.

The United States Tax Code is illegal. There are currently many former IRS attorneys and agents that have refused to pay their taxes because they know the truth. Most individuals are to scared to take on the IRS, because they don’t want to go to jail.

Have you ever attempted to digest any US Tax Code. I have. I can tell you first hand it is both difficult to read and almost impossible to understand. Random occurrence or design? I suggest the latter. If the average man and woman can’t understand it, or get to frustrated reading it, the likelihood he or she will question it is highly unlikely.

The events that unfolded on 9-11-2001 are not as they appear. Our network news left a lot out. So did our government.

The outcome of 9-11-01 was an American Society that was afraid of getting on a plane with someone wearing a robe or a head-dress. It created fear.

The result was the United States Patriot Act. At surface level, and what we were “told” through the normal media melodrama, was this Act was designed to protect us.

After examination I believe our forefathers are turning in their graves as a result of it’s outcome.

Under our noses, at the guise of protecting us from “terror” and those would be “terrorists” the Act has taken away certain “freedom’ we were afforded in out Constitution and Bill of Rights, and brought our “free” society one step closer to a closed society that is becoming strikingly familiar to Germany during World War II.

There is current legislation on the table in Congress (HR 1955) that will continue to erode away at the civil liberties thus great country was founded upon.

It is called the “Homegrown” Terrorism Act, and if this bill or similar bills are passed, it could mean the end of “free speech” as we know it.

Once again, don’t take my word for it. I’m just a middle class car salesman from Olympia Washington.

You could start by Googling the following. HR 1955, The United States Patriot Act, The 9-11 cover up, The Rothschild Conspiracy, The Federal Reserve Fraud, Freedom-Fascism, Naomi Wolf. Once you get started, it will blow your mind.

Everything that is happening globally that oppresses individuals in any form is done so by design. It is not moral, and in many cases is simply not legal.

We have been led down the wrong path. We have been led to believe we are simply a victim of circumstance.

The social injustice that happens each day, globally to many millions of innocent men, women, and children, turns my stomach. What infuriates me the most is the knowing it was never meant to be this way.

What I know for certain is if I end up immersed in any culture around this great planet, on any given day, I would find a people who’s dreams are very similar to mine. They want peace, harmony, and abundance for their family. They abhor violence, and they can see a better way.

So, from a Lightworker, I am here to help. Listen to these words. You are divinity incarnate. You are capable of manifesting change. You are not a haphazard victim of your current circumstance. Through your thoughts and actions you can help humanity become peace.

You can sit idly by, while we inch forward to the inevitable destruction of this amazing place, or you can wake up and begin the process of changing yourself. One individual at a time, you can be the change.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Whats It All Mean?

The past few weeks have been interesting to say the least. Sometimes very dreamlike and magical, and sometimes so frustrating I don’t want to deal with it anymore. If it weren’t for the 1111, present moment awareness, and what I believe my higher purpose is, I think I might have given up.

Two weeks ago tomorrow, Washington State was hit with the biggest snow storm in 50 years. It has further crippled an already battered industry.

The auto industry and my livelihood has seen a steady decrease in sales since our mini “crash” this fall. I keep seeing 11 multiple birthdays, addresses, license plates, times on digital clocks when I get into cars, and so on, that gives me the sense of being right where I’m supposed to be at that moment, even if I don’t want to be there sometimes. Lately, as I yearn to be of service, it makes it more difficult

The last time I sold a car was on December 21st. Two people came in looking for a 4X4, and I knew we were meant to meet from the moment our eyes met. We talked about synchronicity, law of attraction, present moment awareness, and how we both believe we are on the verge of a consciousness shift the likes of something we can only imagine. I think I pulled the car out at 2:22. I’m certain there was more to our meeting than just a car deal. Those are the times its most magical for me.

Since then it has been a struggle. The last Saturday of the month historically is a very big day in the industry. So, although beaten and battered I trudged in today with I smile on my face…through the rain and the snow. My mom is down here visiting from Alaska, and she called me from my son’s wrestling match. I really wanted to be there to support my son and hang out with my mom, who I see twice a year. But I couldn’t because as it stands this month is the worst in 6 years. I felt myself get angry, and guilty, and then I cried. That happened a couple of times today. I ran into three people to talk too today. The trend continues to be people who are very analytical who are having a hard time deciding to spend money.

The first had a birthday of 10-12. When I pulled the car out for a test drive the digital clock read 1:21. The actual time was about 12:15. She drove the car and left. The next customers came in and drove three SUV’s. I spent about 2 hours with them. I felt like I connected with her. Her birthday was 2-20. The first car I pulled out, the clock read 2:22, and that was the actual time. I smiled and said thank you, because historically for me this means a car deal. The second I pulled out read 3:31. The last one read 4:14, and I was sure I was going to sell them something. In the end they drove away to another dealership. What I thought was going to be productive today ended in frustration.

I left work not knowing what to think. I was frustrated and angry, yet I have a sense that all will be well. I was driving down my road and I was brought back into “presence.” At that moment It felt like I was floating or moving through liquid and I had an intuition that said, “you are so much more than you think you are, your view of “reality” is very limited, you will be amazed. I looked at the clock and it read 6:19.

The first thing that came to mind when I saw that combination was that I am a very spiritual being, limited by my current physical reality, and I am on the right path so that my physical reality catches up with my spiritual reality.

The rest of the evening has been pretty magical. I got off the couch to eat at 7:17 and again at 8:08. I get 808 a lot. It’s the area code of Hawaii. I feel I have a connection to that island like I have a connection to Australia. One of my goals is to write books and teach from Hawaii.

The last time I looked at the clock since I have been writing was at 11:31 and just now at 12:12.

What’s it all mean, and why does my physical reality seem to be getting more difficult when in my spiritual reality I am told that everything is working with exact timing and purpose.

Sometimes I think I’m this Guru at having all this stuff figured out and sometimes I’m left in confusion and awe.

All in all I am gracious. I try to give more than I take every day.

I wish you all peace, love and abundance.

